Monday, January 11, 2010

To my Readers

Sorry, my friends. I am using now a new PC with Windows 7 in which Zawgyi family so far has not operated yet and there are some technical problems too with my machine. As long as Zawgyi operator has not worked, many of my posts will be hauled in English. I, nevertheless, reckon you all understand very well my simple language which is not in academic beauty.

For some of my younger brothers and sisters who are still busy with their educational atmosphere, I believe the posts distributed here might somewhat persuade their enthusiastic spirit of study. From now onward, the posts may be mostly found in English if I have enough time to compose them. Don't worry, my dears but just try to learn what is shared here. The time will support an appropriate comprehension to a regular pursuer. Most significant thing is a reader's curiousity for general knowledge. A proper attampt will be made here and an eager spirit to pursue is a factor. Enjoy it! Coming soon!

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